What’s Causing Your Bladder Pain? Let’s Find The Reason Why

bladder pain causes

Many people experience bladder pain at least once in their lives and do not seek medical help for it. However, if your pain has been persistent or has worsened, you should consider seeing your urologist here in Singapore. They can determine what is behind your bladder pain and prescribe the appropriate treatments. 

Let us discuss the possible reason for your bladder pain and what you can do to relieve it at home. 

Possible Causes Behind Bladder Pain

Urinary Tract Infections or UTIs

A UTI is when your bladder gets infected by bacteria. This is more common among women as their urethra is closer to body parts with natural bacteria, namely the vagina and anus. Besides bladder pain, common symptoms of UTIs include pain while urinating, cloudy urine, incontinence, and high fevers. 

Interstitial Cystitis

This is a urinary bladder disease wherein your bladder muscles get inflamed. This makes your bladder walls stiff so it cannot completely expand when filled with urine. As a result, you may also suffer from incontinence or have the constant need to urinate even if your bladder is not full. 

Doctors do not yet know the exact cause behind interstitial cystitis, but guesses range from bladder lining defects to bladder trauma and spinal cord injuries. 

Neurogenic Bladder

Neurologic lower tract dysfunction or neurogenic bladder is when your bladder functions are affected due to nerve damage, such as brain or spinal cord injuries. Besides experiencing incontinence and the chronic urge to urinate, you may also be unable to empty your bladder completely. 

Bladder Stones

Bladder stones are similar to kidney stones as they are both masses made from crystallised minerals in your urine. However, bladder stones are found in your bladder, as the term implies. They can form due to UTIs or other bladder diseases. 

Bladder Cancer

This cancer is a rare one, but there is always the possibility that your bladder pain is a symptom of this disease. This is why you should consider getting screened regularly to ascertain whether your pain or discomfort is a sign that you have cancer. 

Always See A Doctor For Your Bladder Pain

As we can see, many illnesses can cause bladder pain, so it is important to get properly diagnosed by your Singapore urologist. They can prescribe antibiotics, stronger painkillers, and other medications to clear up any infections and manage your symptoms faster.  

There is also the possibility that your bladder pain is caused by another organ close to the bladder. In such cases, your doctor can refer you to another specialist. 

How to Relieve Bladder Pain At Home

Here are some of the self-care tips your urologist in Singapore can advise you to do to manage your bladder pain while at home: 

Change Your Diet

Patients with infections and other urinary bladder diseases often find that certain foods and drinks aggravate their pain, such as spicy, sugary, or acidic foods. Your doctor can also develop a diet plan to ease your symptoms. 

Drink Plenty of Water 

You should try and drink around eight glasses of water daily to flush out the bacteria causing your bladder infection. Doing so also prevents bladder stones from forming. 

Wear Loose Clothing

Consider wearing looser pants, shorts, and underwear to put less pressure on your bladder. 

Stop Drinking Alcohol and Smoking Cigarettes 

Alcohol inhibits your ability to fight infections and irritates your bladder further. Meanwhile, smoking increases your risk factor for bladder cancer. Consider quitting both vices if you want to keep the pain from worsening. 


Bladder pain can be uncomfortable for anyone. It can severely hinder your daily life if left untreated. So do not be afraid to approach a trusted urologist in Singapore for more help with your bladder pain. Not only can they uncover the source of your problem, but they can also recommend effective treatments or point you to other healthcare professionals who can help.
